In our last blog, we discussed our Positive Planet Certification and what it means for us as a business. As part of this certification, we have measured our impact on the planet and are actively making efforts to reduce it. We have already made a few simple, more sustainable changes to our processes and are working hard to take this further to reach our goal to achieve net-zero carbon emissions and contribute towards a greener environment for the future of our communities. In this article, we are going to explore the 5 ways we are making efforts to reduce our carbon footprint and achieve these goals.

1. Testing new, more sustainable materials

We are currently in the process of trialling an exciting, more sustainable material alternative for our planter systems which will hugely reduce our carbon emissions. This material is manufactured using alternative methods that do not require the burning of fossil fuels but instead use renewable energy sources. We are looking forward to sharing more details of this material with you in the coming months once testing has been completed. If you wish to find out further information on this, please speak to one of our experts who will be happy to help.

2. Making habitats from scrap materials

As a business, it is important to recognise the considerable level of responsibility we have regarding waste disposal. Businesses are one of the largest contributors to global waste which if not disposed of properly or reduced altogether, can have harmful effects on the planet and the wildlife that inhabit it. At Raaft we are making efforts to recycle and reduce the waste we produce from our terrace systems. One way we have been doing this, is by using left-over scrap materials to build mini habitats for animals and insects in our planters. By doing this, we are not only reducing our waste, but are also creating a space in our cities for biodiversity to be re-introduced and conserved.

wasp in a bee hotel made of wood

3. Swapping single-use plastic for paper

Single-use plastic pollution is one of the greatest and most critical threats facing our planet. With almost 98 percent of single-use plastics being made from virgin fossil fuels, and not able to be recycled, this material is no longer viable nor environmentally friendly to use. To reduce the demand for and the waste of this material, we are swapping all single-use plastic on our packaging to a recyclable paper alternative. For example, instead of sealing our packages with plastic tape, we will be using a renewable paper tape that can be recycled and used again.

4. Sourcing local materials 

The amount of energy it takes to make and transport materials is almost as critical as the selection of materials and the building process of our terraces itself. Therefore, we are currently looking into getting our timber sourced from a local UK supplier rather than an international one for our terrace products. By sourcing local timber, we will be able to reduce our carbon emissions whilst also supporting local communities by investing in their materials.

timber cuttings

5. Using recycled lumber for our bench seating 

To reduce plastic waste, we are sourcing recycled plastic lumber for our bench seating which is made from recyclable plastics that would otherwise be dumped at a landfill. This material is not only a great way to tackle the plastic waste crisis, but it is also a durable and easy to maintain material, which will prolong the life of our terrace benches.

Raaft's commitment to environmental sustainability 

These are just a few of the many changes we are already making or are planning to make in order to reduce our impact on the planet and reach net-zero emissions. To follow us on our journey or find out more about our sustainability efforts, or to discover more about out sustainable terrace systems, speak to one of our friendly experts today.